Wednesday 18 December 2013

10 Things To Never Do On a First Date

For this week's second entry, I thought we could look at ten of the worst things you could do on a first date. Even if you've been out with someone before in a casual setting, the first time it's one-on-one, you really need to watch what you say and do in order to make a good impression. To guarantee a second date, avoid these ten 'dealbreaker' taboos:

10. Do Not Arrive Late - It should be pretty simple. Give yourself lots of time, plan ahead and arrive on time. Public transit is pretty decent in Vancouver. Use the Translink website to figure out your route. If you are going to be late, apologize and tell your date as soon as you know. If you already have a zillion things to do before the date, choose another day. 

9. Do Not Show Too Much Skin - Ladies, you may want to dress sexy, but too much skin is a distraction. Cleavage is a wonderful thing and should be celebrated, but when it's the main attraction, your other attributes may be missed. And guys, lose the wife beaters. Yes, you've been working on your arms, but she doesn't need front row tickets (…to the gun show).

8. Do Not Ramble On - Choose your stories wisely. Pick about five that compliment your character. Avoid work stories, especially if they involve jargon or other references that your date may not know. And discard any story that involves a kegstand or a bachelor party exploit.

7. Do Not Get Drunk - Speaking of kegstands… Alcohol helps us all deal with the awkwardness, but overdoing it can lead to disaster. Have a two drink maximum.

6. Do Not Flirt With Other People - Keep your focus. When you are on a date, it is the two of you. Forget about all the other attractive people in your peripheral vision and focus on the person in front of you. Flirting with others will not make you more appealing to the person you arrived with.

5. Do Not Mention Your Cat - This applies to both sexes. Cats are wonderful companions for those of us living the single life, but they do carry an unwanted spinstress association.

4. Do Not Forget Your Manners - This is incredibly important. Do not burp, fart, spit or eat with your mouth open. Excuse yourself when you need to leave the table, open doors and guys, always let the lady order first.

3. Do Not Talk About Your Ex - Bringing up your ex on a first date is a cardinal sin. It might seem strange, but the illusion you are trying to create is that you have never been with anyone before. Bizarre, I know. But bringing up exes immediately starts unnecessary comparisons. They're in your past for a reason. Keep them there.

2. Do Not Insult the Wait Staff - Sometimes we want to impress our dates by making fun of others. Don’t. Mocking another human being is never attractive. As well, it’s never a good idea to make fun of the people serving your food. Ever!

1. Do Not Check Your Phone – There are only two scenarios where you can check your phone: If your date needs to know the time, or if you or your date has gone to the washroom. The rest of the time it needs to be on silent and stowed in your pocket. We have moved past the days of phones being a sign of social status. We all have one now – keep it hidden.

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